Sunday, July 25, 2010

You can gauge a living room's progress by the evolution of its ash tray:

First was the floor. Next was the casing of a broken saws all. Finally, your empty pbr can; which means it is a place you will sit long enough to enjoy more than one pbr. Win!
Take a load off on the big dirty leather couch, but if it is between the hours of 6am and 4pm watch out, because odds are Steve is asleep on it.
The single window allows an abundant amount of light and ghetto ass thumping jams to pour in, while the boarded up one keeps up with neighborhood's indigenous roots.

Be sure to cover your drink if you are watching cspan or poker, because if someone or something moves upstairs, dust and crack residue will fall through the floorboards into your delicious pbr or fruit smoothie.
You'll also notice where alex & co. fixed the floor. Great Job!

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